Artistic Director, Catrina, interviews Ellie (Joint CEO) and Carly (Senior Creative Producer) in her new blog, Mycelial Film Tour – the story so far…

“We are half-way through a national and international tour. A production co-created with sex worker activists…”

“Every audience has felt different! And as this is theatre for screen, that has felt different too. In Belfast, our ‘cinema’ audience clapped along with the filmed ‘theatre’ audience, from a year ago. In this digital format we meet our aim of ensuring ownership in a location.” Ellie

“Many people are coming to the laws and lives of sex work for the very first time. The panels support the film in raising awareness…Every conversation around sex work must also involve sex workers themselves, speaking about what they require to feel safe and have their rights and needs understood and met. ” Carly

Click on the link below to read more from the blog and interview: